till then!
[edit] the pictures are uploaded, it's already 12.10am on a Friday 20 Feb, and i'm fucking tired. enjoy these truckloads of pictures!
i particularly remember this picture coz there's a significant line that says, "my hair so kental." and it's not coming from me! :D
[+] 12/2 Pre-Celebration w Family
as it turned out, my sister came home from work much later than expected, and surprised me with apple and durian strudel from Renaldo's (!!). no wonder i smelled something burning in the kitchen -- they were lighting up the 2-big-1-small candles. haha. and the next morning, just as i was rushing for school (about to leave the house, to be precise) my sister handed me a present. my heart was racing when i saw the present came in a Baby-G box, and i was so stoked when i opened it up, and the watch i got was exactly the one i've been eyeing! it's simple i suppose but i'm just attracted by the design and colour. and i knew Dear must be behind this as well, and i finally managed to pry it off from my sister right there and then. (:
oh plus, i think that was my most selekeh celebration at home, ever. but at least i'm comfortable in Dear's boxers!

credits to Pe'ah!
[+] 13/2 The Kanchiong-Spider Celebration w The Girls
Fatyn and Has have totally lost it
this one was impromptu lah. came to school and the usual girls who turned up were Shida and Fatyn. and myself, of course. Pe'ah was late and Has was a lazy bum. school was superbly slack, although lessons were held as usual.. as soon as school ended, Fatyn wanted us to wait for Pe'ah since she was already halfway to school. Has on the other hand, was still in bed when Fatyn called. itu confirm dah game over ah, tk dtg skola teros. frankly, i sensed something fishy going on. i mean, Pe'ah's random question about which chocolate flavour i like better, pretty much gave it away. but i honetly din't expect more than that.
Pe'ah finally came after around 45mins of waiting, with that typical white box for cakes in hand. but, the box was empty. haha basket. then came Has from afar, carrying the real cake, chocolate blueberry cake my god it was heavenly! so much for lazing around in bed eh Has. so the outcome from Pe'ah's question about the chocolate flavour was a Cadbury chocolate, and Shida, being the diligent cookie baker and an efficient employee at Famous Amos, got me a bag of cookies! 3 chocolates in a row, what more can i ask for? :D but then again, there's a price to pay. putting chocolate 'foundation' and 'conditioner' on me? mane lah tak rosak rambot aku, lol. tapi ade pergi ade balek. ^_^v anyway, thanks again to all you girls for that expected and unexpected surprise. i appreciate it loads, especially to Has and Pe'ah for coming to school just for this. especially that we only spent about.. less than an hour? coz i had to rush home.

[+] 14/2 Post-Celebration w GOAT

i find this boy very cute!

if he was an emoticon, he'd be: O_O

ni dah mcm BFF. hidung dah lah same.
ehehe. ni lagi satu. another thing which i sorta sensed in the beginning. i've been observing Dear's behaviour throughout our journey to Sentosa. from the phoncalls and frequent glances at me, to the smiles while on the phone.. like he was hiding something from me. oh, and 2 visits to the toilet at Vivo. now THAT is very rare. hahaha.
some time after the both of us reached Sentosa/Beach Station, Kay and Emil appeared behind a pillar (so funny the way i put it) with a slice of chocolate cake (again!) and a SINGLE candle! single woi single! not 2 big 1 small! lmao. but that's only due to space constraint. but that doesn't matter. they were there, with 2 boxes of pizzas. Hadi and Deeya came some time after, followed by Zul and Maii (these 2 names put together sound nice, yes?) at night. oh ya, not forgetting Hairul. haha. oh yes, i bumped into my bestest oldest friend, Irna! seeing how girly she can look only reminds me more of how we both were then. totally the opposite lah. but the hair tetap maintain. hehe. moving on, we took off longer than i intended too, but yeah, separated ways from Dear sicne the rest went off for supper. and i think, that was my first time going out together with Dear, but went home alone. lol.
whatever it is, i enjoyed all 3 days although they're just simple gathering. but definitely unexpected. my family, GOAT, my girls, and of course my Dearest; you all kickass. ^_^v