Personality Profile
You are intellectually curious and appreciative of what you consider beautiful, no matter what others think. Your imagination is vivid and makes you creative.
You avoid forseeable trouble through purposefully planning and achieve success through persistence. You are reliable and in control of your life.
You enjoy and actively seek out social occasions, but they`re not everything. Sometimes it is nice to step back for a while and have a quiet night in.
People get along with you easily. You are considerate and friendly, and think that other people are generally honest and decent.
You tend to be self-conscious. You react emotionally to situations more than most, and can find it hard to control your negative feelings.
Result: You think you have avoidant personality disorder
You have an extreme fear of the potential negative opinions of other people and that leads you to avoid social situations altogether. You feel inferior to other people and expect them to reject you. The worst thing that could possibly happen is being embarrassed in front of all of your friends.
of course, the test did say that such personality disorder may or may not exist, but the results from start to the end are as real as fuck i swear! this is the most accurate personality test i have ever done. if there's anything you need to know about me, then i suppose this test pretty much sums it all up. oh and credits to facebook for the test and the image above.
anyway, the reason i left this blog post-less for the past week, is because i was away at Thailand (the flea markets!) for a short vacation! :D

LMAO ok this is SO not at Thailand! this is at Chinatown, we went there last Friday straight after school ended. Dear got so excited when he saw the flea market, or shall i say the CNY bazaar, and couldn't control himself from snapping some pictures and saying something like, "eh cool kan! amek gambar uh, kite leh step pat Thailand2 gitu." in translation, "hey isn't this cool! let's take some pics and pretend like we're in Thailand!" hahaha and there he went, wandered away around the area ahead of me, while i was busy checking out the stalls and all. got myself a skirt too! lol.it was friggin' hot as hell there though, what with the long-sleeve top i had on. i remember regretting wearing that throughout the whole time i was fanning myself. haa. and just when we were feeling2 of being in Thailand, this pic had to show up:

well if you had been observant enough, you'd see "No. 1 in Singapore" printed on the fringes of each gigantic umbrella. haha. that one just gives away the trick in telling people that 'we were in Thailand'. lol.
so far, fortune-wise, i'm pretty proud of myself. i managed to keep more than half of my pay i earned when i was working at Topshop last Nov. if i can recall well from my past working experiences, my pay would've vanished just like that by now. i do have tons of things i'd like to get my hands on, but i guess this time around, after realising how effing hard it is for someone like me to get even a mere $20 in a week, i managed to keep those e.v.i.l temptations at bay and buy stuff that i need most. well well, i'm beginning to sound like my mother. eek. oh and whoo yeaaaa tmr they're goin' jamming and i can't wait to see Dear tackle those trickey beats! well that's what he said, at least. ^^
Hollywood Holiday
Love Me Butch