*mind goes blank* shit. i hate it when this happens.
ok here goes.
school is driving me nuts, seriously. and literally too, coz Hasni's been munching on her Camel sugar-coated peanuts for weeks.. but she gave up on 'em now since they give her some side-effects or some sort. lol. so as i was saying, school projects have gone up to 3 now and each one is sooo time consuming. what with my "busy schedule" of having to visit my dad at the hospital every single day and only to reach home latest by 10.30pm on a school night. it's wearing me out really. hats off to Shida though coz i think she has to go through the same thing, only that she's super busy with work and her soccer trainings.
but apart from the downside of doing the projects, at least i'm enjoying one of 'em. boleh berangan jadi budak v.comm woohoo! erm ok that sounds more like desperation. but on the other hand, even if 2 of our friends have sorta drifted apart, we girls sure enjoy each other's company. like last Thursday; my god, we were laughing almost the entire day, my tummy hurt so bad it's like i was doing crunches! i swear i could feel my abs tightening. as if i'm working out like that. huhu. we had our lunchbreak at Prata Paradise, just across the school. my Prata Masala was superb, and so was Fatin's Butter Prata! but sadly, my favourite Cheese Prata cost $3, just like the one at Juliet's. geez why so ex.
Fatin then bought 2 packs of kuacis.. (sunflower seeds i think) which then mutated us to hamsters during lecture..
long live kuacheekies! teehee.
credits to Hasni. ^-^b
eh this is not considered plagiarism kan?
moving on, things are not so constant with Dear and i. but hey, we always work things out in the end. it's just tiring though whenever the whole cycle starts again. i know he feels the same way too. so dearest, i'm sorry ok? i felt pretty content yesterday though. the 2 of us had our lunch at BK Eating House (we tried very hard to avoid eating at Juliet's which is just across the road, mind you) and my Sweet n Sour Chicken Rice almost tasted like my mom's sweet n sour fish. off to meet the usual hangout kids at Forum.. where we bumped into Iza the Chatterbox. lol. i swear that girl has grown so much since the last time i saw her. which was.. 4 years ago? and she's still chatterbox-y. haha.
oh oh, Gossip Girl ep 15 is so bastard-y. like can get high blood pressure seh. but thanks to Khairil, coz he's like my "one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite." HAHAHAHA Emil has got to read this coz i know she knows it's funny! man, i crack myself up sometimes. -_-"
ok. not that anyone will bother about my next topic, but it's about my dad. some of you must have known this by now that he's on trekki (a tool attached through his throat) and that his voice is inaudible when he tries to speak. so here's a funny story: just yesterday, upon his request, my mom had given him his handphone so he can send SMSes to whoever he wishes. however, he did call my granny up this morning, and he called me up twice today and all i heard was faint sighings and heavy breathings with the sound of the television at the background. trying his luck, maybe? haha. or maybe trying to be funny. hahaha. he must be lonely i bet, coz he called me during the non-visiting hours. so i merely told him to wait for my arrival and mom's in the evening. and then he just hung up on me. well that's what i should be expecting anyway, lmao.
alrighty, i'll end here now. have to catch up on my sleep. but i for sure ain't lookin forward to catch up for next month. less than a month dah woi. erks!

[+] some junk in ma trunk yaw

(when all was well)

peace out, homie. -.-v