he's not mad at me anymore
we settled things through the whole of last night
while typing in my previous entry, i was actually argue-messaging him. it turned out that he was pretty insecure about me using the msn and chatting with some random people. he was afraid i might dump him for some guy, but gawdd, he shud've know me better than that. well he does, thats why we settled our misunderstandings right after i'd posted the previous entry. sigh. some small-kiddy problems we had. but im glad it's alll goood. except for the part when he told me he's gonna shave his head again. ape siakk. but whatever lah. i just wanna see his old pretty hair again before he has to shave it yet again for NS. blardy toot.
ps: dear, if u're reading all these, jgn marah tau. im not mad/offended.. im just writing. :)
was messaging bestie last night too. i miss her!! she forwarded me an sms her admund sent. dunno what he said lah but he was typing in malay all the way. spelling rabak, and at the end of the msg, he said he was being MASALEH. (??!) i asked irna lah then she said it meant MAT SALEH! XD blardy toot. haha. anyway i hope they'll keep their r/s long. amiin. :) im not sure when else i get to see her. not that im super busy lah, but usually she'll ask me out on the days i can't go out. but for all i know i will be seeing her at the next gig cos i'll be going with her.
this has been a long entry. and im ending it.
peace out.
The Word 'Best Friend' Is Redefined