proceeded to Sun COT for the presentations. god i looked so funny. what with all the 'extra baggage' on my cheeks. almost as if i got stung by a swarm of bees! hahaha. but the video turned out pretty good, though i have to admit that marcus' team did a way better job for their project. i swear i could imagine their video in the telly. after all the school stuff are done, all of us stick ard for a bit. but for me and lydia, we camwhored via Mac/Apple computer's photo booth. hahaha. shortly after the rest of the gang joined in. cool shit sia take pics together, with all their hilarious random antics. hahahaha. we took a truckload of pics, but i guess we (or rather adam, since he was the one grouping all the pics to put in a single folder) kind of deleted a few. no, a handful. no no more than that! what a waste! well but at least we still got our hands on a couple of 'em. there's the whole bunch of 'em in my album (album link is above) but here's a few:

look at mirza, bottom-left.

look at mirza again, bottom-left.
haha what's with the horrified look? LOL.

after and before shots of taking slimming pills.

oh and if you wanna sharpen your pencils..

do it through those holes! :3
as much fun as those pictures seem, i feel like everything is against me lately. idk. i feel so.. out of direction. sigh. ily baby bf. <3
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