sorry hor.

me: i'm a combat mastaaaa! / he: say whaaaaaat??
(damn the animation stops working when you click the links below. o well. just refresh the page)
[+] abra cadabra!

i swear it's freakin' high.

a very long walk ahead. a good way to increase your leg muscle power.
or something like that.


[+] now meet Henderson

to make our way back from Henderson to the MRT was scary. like ghost-scary. we had to walk through the forest-like Marang Trail, with no lights to guide our way. and it was already 7pm lah. by the time we were just a few feet away from the exit (or civilisation i should say), some trees/thick bush beside us moved and shook hard and it scared the shit out of me i literally jumped and ran off hahaha. of course i took Dear by the hand as well but he kept stopping halfway coz he said it was prolly a tree branch that fell etc. but i dare not take any chances, considering that i wasn't "clean" that day. meheheheh.
alright then. tata titi tutu.