yep, that'll be our last day of school. i don't even care about when graduation day is. just realising the fact that i won't be studying at ITE CE anymore with my current classmates is already very very sad enough. we all just came to realise that 2 years of study whizzes by too fast. many people i know, who have long graduated frm sec sch, said that sec sch life is the best. but for me, ITE life is better. maybe because of the freedom we get. like, not making it a first priority to come to class on time, skipping classes, etc.. haha. well ok ok, i know i made it sound all wrong there, and it's not like the teachers do not stress on the importance of being punctual; they do, just that we're too busy putting on a deaf ear on it. haha.
but for the few classmates that i bond well with, we may not really come to class on time, but we make it a point to complete our assignments. well almost all, at least. and for me that's good enough. coz that's what you go to school for right? and apart from that, the teachers that have been with us (the class) since our first year are really a bunch of easy-going/funny/lame adults that are very approchable, and that i could almost consider them a friend. lol omg that sound just so weird and wrong but i'm not sure how to put it in better words, but that's how it feels like. well the point is, it's so much easier working with these teachers than with the sec sch ones. uh, no offence to anyone tho. ^^v aside from the teachers, i'm sure gonna miss the funny moments of our classmates. all the kookoo heads. well the 'kookoo' part goes to salih, since that seems to be his favourite word ever. hahaha.
in the meantime, well once school's officially out for me, i gotta go job-hunting. coz as soon as my student ez-link expires, bloody adult transport fares are gonna burn my wallet to the core. and i need a backup when that day comes. and then, if the poly result is out and i don't manage to get in (choy choy choy), i'll have to figure out what i'm gonna do with my life. coz non-schooling life is gonna be hard and a bore.. unless i get a kickass job that takes me around the world to see great bands to their concerts and make a review of it. mwahahaha i read too much of such books.
well anyhoo, gotta start finishing my 3D rendering. but before i bid ado, i'll seal this entry off with pictures of our friends at Mandai! :D
tugu si ah meng

ah meng's buried underneath

i forgot what this is called

i really don't ahve a good memory for small primate names

i love meerkats



mkn kacang muka ada senyum!


and my favourtite creature of all?....

Story of the Year