it's a baby seal, and its kind are innocent.. but when provoked or threatened, these wild animals can turn out to be real dangerous monsters to mankind and maybe do terrible damage..
[+] Or do they?

so who's the real monster now?
now you know why i have to 'seal' those images. they're a lil too graphic for some people. i received an e-mail regarding these poor seals from Wan, and boy, there're a lot more of this pics where they came from. it's just guresome, but we can't ignore this.
i won't say i'm much of an animal lover, as i'm afraid of some of them, sadly. but i do care for them. i only start to think more about animals when i get to know Dear. he's a huge animal 'junkie' and i knew how he's gonna react to see something horrible like this. ok so in the e-mail, it says killing baby seals are some kind of 'sport', for Norway's and Canada's new kind of tourism. well i simply call it stupid and inhumane. i don't see any benefits these people would get by doing this. or do they have a good reason? i really wonder if these 'sportsman' have any traces of sympathy in their soul towards the young seal that's sitting helplessly right in front of them, before they take its life away. ok no, i really, really, wonder why they even take up this job.
and earlier today i was watching Fashion Fanatic at Travel and Living. they were showing some designer bags and shoes, some made of crocodile, alligator and python skins. i assume they're all real animal skins coz usually big designers like these use real stuff. unless they don't, then hats off to them.
alright. that's what my post is all about for today. awareness, awareness.
a simple love is just what the world is lacking of at this day and age.
Earth Song
Michael Jackson