so there! aren't Mrs. Fields so.. heavenly sinful?! and trust me, i have not even stabbed a knife/fork to both cakes ok, because first, when i reached home, parents were asleep. and i don't want to cut the cake and eat it by myself coz like tk feeling, haha. and second, Mrs. Field's cake is like.. to pretty to be eaten. haha. oh wth. i'll probably gobble every bits of it until nothing's left by the end of this week. or next. haha. oh god imagine the amount of unwanted fats i'm adding in, very soon my dancing fats will start their own music and dance festival! but since i'm getting a year older and have a high chance of ending up like Nutty Professor's phat momma, might as well..
anyway, here's how the day started. the plan was simple, have dinner and movie. we went Marina Sq, since Dear suggested that we go have a look around Singapore Flyer after that. oh and btw, Dear was acting so strangely with his hp. he claimed that eversince he got a new theme for it, his phone tend to lag, jammed, blabla. he also turned his hp to Silent, coz the ringtone somewhat contributes to the lagging. weird, i've never heard of such problems on anyone's phone.
so anyway, as soon as we reached Marina, we browsed through the movies they're playing today, and decided to scrap off the idea of watching a movie since the shows are all so boring. and so with this trouble tummy ache i've been having since yesterday, we proceeded to the Food Loft for our late lunch/early dinner. we walked around for awhile after that, until Dear suddenly had this 'craving' for the popiah at Food Loft. so we made our way there again, this time Dear insist that we head out to the open area of the Loft just to 'sit around'. and at this time, he grabbed my face, blindfolded my eyes with his palms and that's when i knew something was up. i was struggling to get his hands off me, or adjust the way he covered my eyes, at least. so when he finally got his hands off my face and intstructed me to turn around, ta-da! there sat my sister with Mrs. Fields! :D
so, as you can tell, or if you can't (it doesn't matter anyway), all those stuff about troubled hp, putting it to Silent, trips to the toilet are all bullshit! the good kind i mean. haha. ooh before that, while i was browsing thru his phone to check out his new theme, he quicly took it back, as if there's something to hide. and honestly, THAT gave it away. as in, from there, i knew something was up. i also noticed that he was secretly messaging someone. hahaha i just refused to ask. ^^v
so yeah, it turned out that he was messaging my sis, they've been planning this since Monday. so i'd like to say a huuuuuuuugggee THANK YOU to you two for the surprise and all. mwah! <33 and thanks to the friends who messaged me with those birthday wishes. :D
after the whole little celebration at Loft, my sister headed off to her yoga class and me and Dear headed to the Singapore Flyer. hah the small area with the fountain reminded us of our school's Forum. haha.
ok now i gotta get some sleep. hopefully i won't wake up late for tmr's CPA test. baaaahh.
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