Happy 16th Month Anniversary Love!
well to be exact, our anniversary was yesterday, on the 2nd of October. & eventhough school ended early for the both of us yesterday, we decided to celebrate today since it's a weekend. & today was a blast! :D after changing of plans multiple times, deciding where to go, we finally settled on Sentosa. haha. when was the last time i went there? i know it was last year, but it seemed so like donkey years ago. & the new things at Sentosa are superb! like.. got class. not bad lah. :]
grabbed some junks before we headed to Harbourfront. Dear brought nasi goreng! saaaavve siket duit utk mkn berat2. haha. so anyway. hen we reached, we walked a pretty long distance frm the Visitors' Centre to Underwater World. it's long ok. but good lah coz i guess i did some exercise & burnt off some calories for that over 600m walk. haha. but sadly im putting in more calories as im typing this coz im currently finishing up on the Ruffles we bought earlier. hahaha. our first pit-stop was at this ancient-like place. it reminds me of movies ike The Mummy, something like that. coz there were statues & seats made of stones, & all partially cracked while some were half broken. like abandon sia the place. they were filthy of course, since it was surrounded by the trees all around. what with vines hanging by most of the trees.
oh yeah & theres no more the usual paper-material ticket used as the entrance ticket, yea. now it's a soft-card whereby you just tap it in like how you would in the MRT station. cool. ok back to the story. we had our own tour at Fort Siloso coz Dear wanted to go there soooo bad. so why not, it's only 8buckaroos. thats when we saw a female peacock with her babies wandering along the pathway. cute sia. you can easily mistake her babies for chicks, as in a chicken's baby. haha.
Fort Siloso was great. i mean the last time i went there, it was ok lah. like a normal History lesson excursion like that. but just now seemed more.. lively & interesting? maybe coz Dear was there & he told me some history of Singapore that i dont think was ever taught to us in sec sch. he watches too many Discovery Channels & NGC. so he's pretty equipped with all these info. sometimes it still wonders me, how can he cram all these info in his head. maybe coz theres interest? :] & we play this 'spinning swing'. best dok, tapi bikin org mabok. anyway i'll fill you in with the first few pictures we took when we arrived.

next, we headed to the new Imbiah Lookout. & ran into Dalilah, who was surprised with my long hair. "eh rambot kau panjang stop it sia.." haha. well im keeping 'em long anyway. it was sooo chilly up there. the wind was kind. hah. we also bumped into Iylia, Dear's former classmate, & thats when she asked if we'd tried the 4D Magix. ive checked it out through its website a couple of times tho but never get to try it coz pretty exp; $16. but Dear talked me into trying it, saying it's our anniversary so it's best to try it now, blablabla. haha. & he's willing to fork out some cash frm his bank, which he'd saved for something important. at first i was keberatan, but nvm lah. he psychoed me already. lol. & 1 word for it: FUN! the seats rocked HARD back & forth, air gushing out at the back of our seats & onto our heads, & even water was sprayed out of the seats in front of us! it's basically like watching a 15-min movie, then if the scene has people splashing water, then we'll have water sprayed to our faces. literally! you guys GOT to try it. i guess wasting your $16 on that was pretty worth it.

at 4D Magix!
too bad we cant keep the glasses. after all that, we rested for awhile before heading to the Musical Fountain. which was boring. so kiddy lah. i mean sometimes i like kid stuff, but this one, couldnt take it sia. within 10mins or so, most adults left the so-called podium/amphitheatre. so did we. oh yeah i fell & hurt the under-side of my feet & it bled. damn it hurt so bad. walk walk walk then too tired, we left for Vivo City, taking the Sentosa Express. the monorail lah. after walking ard Vivo for awhile, we decided to take the bus home. fuh! penat dok.
alright. it's 30mins past 1 as im finishing this (yes it takes me this long to get the whole entry done). so there. have a plesant Sunday!

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