[+] That Saturday

Azri and Khairil topi mintak ampun, hahaha!

i can't seem to bother to be in detail about the outing. although it was very fun. haha. and the fact that i ate damn lot lah. pfft. a plate of fried noodle before i left home, a bar of Snickers, another plate of fried noodle when we've reached ECP, 1 McChicken, 1 McFlurry and 2 plates of fried noodle that were left when i got home. wah best kepe tu.
and last night, and today, i was my sister's guinea pig. well she's actually furthering her studies for a Degree in Nursing, and so she would be having her phase test the next day (today). and it being a phase test, it simply means she needs a 'client'. so she practiced on me last night, in the wee hours of the morning, leaving me with only about 3 hours of sleep? anyway the practice was interesting. i just couldn't stop laughing, lol. but today, when the test began, everything went well. well of course it went well, coz i left the place snagging about 5 packets of Julie's crackers! mwahaha delish~ and right after that, we had breakfast at BK, headed to Sim Lim for digicam-hunt! :D
since she was asking for my opinions on just what camera to purchase (it was between a Canon G9 and Nikon D40), one of the.. erm trusted salesperson explained to us in full detail of his recommendation. which is a Fujifilm FinePix S5800 - which she ended up buying. y'all go look it up yourself if you're expecting me to post a picture of it here - coz it ain't gonna happen. well so the digicam's pretty cool i guess. it's a semi-SLR (the uncle said), of which would cost her only an additional $30-ish for a Nikon D40. haha. but the deal is sickeningly good! for both the Fuji and Nikon. i swear if i was working already, with, say, a salary of $900/mth, i'd definitely, no second thoughts, chip in for the Nikon. but oh well. one can only dream. we window-shopped for awhile after that and spent the last hours at J. Co at Bugis Junction before heading home.

[+] Mango, BananaChoc, Glazzy, French Vanilla

ty Hoods for the treats today! alright, i really have to end here now. need to go save Scofield! lol k whatev. -_-"
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