lol i look like some kaypo makcik for the 2nd pic. been hangin' out with Dear, Zul & Hairul for days now after work. funny lads, they all. finally got my top & Dear's top+pants altered at Penin last Thurs.. yay. & Zul finally got his Holga cam he wanted last Friday. pretty rad, i should say. i suppose no attachment's needed for the cam since the effects are already built-ins. the rest of the guys joined in & we did some snapshots a bit for a tryout. but sadly it isn't a digi cam, so gotta wait till the pics are developed to see the final result.
met Dear's sis & her already recovered bf along the way. lol he's funny! i mean not in a bad way, since he'd just recovered from an awfully bad motorbike accident about 2 months back, that landed him in a coma for a month, i think. he's recovering slowly, his short-term memory is recalling bit by bit i suppose. i admit i don't know him as well as Dear does, but from stories Dear had told me about him & stuff, he really looked like a totally changed man now; in a good way. he looks different too. lol. all the best for your future, Ibrahim.
ooh & met zitty Nisa too! god, i miss that girl sooo much. all the best for O's, Nis! let's hang out again once your exams are over, yea? :)
ahh, another working day tomorrow. starting this week, i'm left with another 3 weeks of attachment! mwaha! oh yeah, pay's in 3-4 days time, GSS here i come! :D
& i think i caught the Avril Syndrome. :)

And I walk out in silence
That's when I start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me cry
And I walk out in silence
That's when I start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me smile
Avril Lavigne