there you go, the working class heroes. lol. nah, that was us, Fida & i, along with the rest of the colleagues mostly from our department. remember the Farewell Dinner i mentioned before in my previous post? yeah the pictures say it all. it was at The Rice Table, an Indonesian food restaurant. pretty shiok uh the food. the only disappointment was the lack of spicyness. not really up to our standard, Fida & i. the Kangkong Belachan sounded tempting, but like i said, not spicy at all. my pick would be the sweet & sour fish tho. & the satay there tasted a bit 'artificial' for me coz it was a bit too chunky. idk how to describe it, but it definitely wasn't as tasty as the typical satays at pasar malam or Lau Pa Sat for sure. but as a whole, not so bad. yelah, lagi2 dapat mkn free dok. haha.
& i just realised cameras make me look doubly fleshy especially on my cheeks. i know i've gained weight, but maybe i din't quite see it until these smart cameras got a hold of me. lol. & my aunts can still say i'm thinning out like my sis. ahh, that's prolly coz they've not seen me for so long. oh & excuse the poor image quality -- blame it on the camera phone. being a lazy ass person that i am, i can't be bothered to edit these pics to make 'em look slightly better tho i have the time now. anyway, Fida actually brought along her digi cam, but sigh, i guess as soon as the food arrived she completely forgot about her digi cam, & took pictures with her camera phone insetead. Fida taik! hehe. ;) excuse my buck teeth too. haha. it's pretty disturbing, don't you think? hahaha. ah whatever, who cares anyway. at least the bf loves those 'Chiclets' of mine. ^^v
i have some more old pics that i'd like to put up here. but will do that later in another post. :)
Dear Whoever
We Cry Mercy