i can't think of a title.
attention Kinkin!
this is the picture of Hayley in the dress i was telling you about. :D

mom has been sick for almost 3 days now. constantly coughing, and her body temperature reached to a scorching 38.4deg celsius. or was it 32.4? oh well but i think she's doing a little better now. it's just sad to hear coughing continously like that.

anw, in my previous post when i said Dear and i went to Seoul Garden last Saturday, i forgot to mention my little experience with wasabi. ok, so has anyone tried one? i don't care if i'm gonna sound lame or kental about this but that fateful Saturday, was my first time that my tongue had a taste of wasabi. i've always looveedd spicy food. i have no hesitations in having a go at it even if i've never heard of that particular spice, or if i know it's very very spicy and might just burn my tastebuds off; just give me a spoon and i'll dive right in. so anyway, that time, Dear wanted to refill his drink, and i told him to get a couple of sushi as well. so when he returned with about 4 sushis, there were pink and green stuff on top of 2 of them. the pink one looked like thin strips of confettis, while the green one looked like.. a sauce. i asked him if it was wasabi, and he said he had no idea, coz 'the green stuff was already on the sushi when he got it'. well that's what he said. and he also said the pink stuff must've been some sort of sugar or something.

and frankly, i find both pink and green stuff pretty gross, but as you know, never judge a book by its cover. so i convinced myself that the pink sugar must be downright sweet and tasty, while the green one has to be wasabi, or maybe just a spicy kickass sauce that i might just love. so i grabbed my spoon and divide the piece of sushi into half, making sure i get a bit of the pink and green stuff. and about 3 seconds after i popped it in my mouth, i just felt like spitting 'em back out! god it was effing horrible! even if i got the 2 pinkgreen stuff mixed together in my mouth, i could still differentiate the taste of each of them. ok so the pink one was just.. gross. period. and the green one tasted like cooaarrssee fibres and kind of pahit! my first mental picture of that thing i had in my mouth was the green coloured hard-surfaced sponge/styrofoam thingy that people will use to stick their fake flowers into to make like a bouquet of it in a vase or something. well idk if you can mentally picture it in your head coz i know it's quite complicated but yeah that was how it is. oh and i could taste the spice too, just that it wasn't the ordinary kind of spice or heat you'd normally taste in red chillis. i really can't describe it in words, but the heat went up my nose, died down a bit, and then the heat came back and went up my nose again. it's like.. come-and-go, that sort. and the after-taste was awful-er than when it first got in my tongue.

Dear finally confessed that it was wasabi and that he purposely put it on the sushi and pretended that he din't know what it was. nabeh. and i know why he did that. coz he very well know that i'm the kind who won't hesitate to try something new, especially if it involves food. axkvcyewdy!! geez that will be my first and last time i'll have wasabi. i bet jalapeno pepper tastes better.

and right after that, i din't even touch the other sushis, coz my appetite for sushis that time was abruptly destroyed. but the following are the pics we took for the rest of that day.

oh yeah, Sunday's gig was not so bad. though i have to say, i'd prefer skafest. and i was such a retard that day. i brought along my sister's camera, and as i got all excited to take pictures, the camera screen says "Insert memory card". ugh, peh bodoh.

well, that's all balls!

Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
We Are Scientists

go up 8:55 PM